Elizabeth Craig Ceramic Art (Weka)

Liz Downey and Craig Powell of Elizabeth Craig Ceramic Art (Weka) have an extensive range of ceramics at The Gallery Havelock. If you are looking for something in particular please contact us and we will email you photos of their work.



Liz Downey, BFA

Since being struck by the clay bug back in the early 90's my practice and exploration of materials has never been static. Instead it has been an ongoing ‘dipping of the toes’ into the many and varied techniques and materials the ceramic industry has to offer.  

Most of my current work’s subject matter is not a literal representation of any object or idea but is an opportunity to use an abstracted visual language creating playful, unpredictable pieces that capture a moment of rhythm, expression, texture, movement and exploration. 


Craig Powell, BFA

After more than twenty years working in ceramics, my enjoyment of this media is always increasing, as the endless variations of form are a great source of daily inspiration. 

The complexity and layering of the processes create a fulfilment which compliments the immediacy of dabbling in clay.

I try to source all my own materials as much as possible from where they have existed in the landscape for millenia, and relocate them to become the recognisable forms of sculpture and pieces for use.

Contact us.

To order any of these works, or to enquire about any of them, please fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Colin Wynn


Renate von Petersdorff